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Policies & Procedures

How Do I Make An Appointment?

I schedule primarily via messages and texts. I do not have a receptionist. In order to best serve my clients and keeping the dog's safety as my top priority, I do not answer the phone while I'm grooming. 

If you call, please leave a voicemail and I will return your message within in 1 - 2 business days!

Message the Paws & Connect LLC Facebook page to learn more or to schedule your dog's appointment!

                                           567-341-4219 (texts preferred)

When inquiring for an appointment, please tell me your dog's breed, age, weight and if you can, include a picture! You may also send an example of your desired hair cut or style. This will help me streamline the scheduling process!

You may now also complete your New Client Registration Form online, prior to your first appointment:



I accept CASH or CHECK made out to Paws & Connect LLC.

Payment is due at the time services are rendered. All price estimates based on weight are only estimates. All prices are estimates based on dogs kept on a regular 6 week schedule in excellent condition. Dogs with very long hair styles, dogs heavily soiled, matted or with impacted coat, dogs infested with fleas or ticks, dogs with skin or ear infections, or dogs with very scared, aggressive, or uncooperative behavior require additional patience, skill and time. Final prices at end of services rendered will be based on the dog's actual size, coat condition, dog's behavior and time required. 

Late Cancellation & No Show Policy

Failure to cancel appointments at least 24 hours prior to your dog's appointment may result in a late cancellation fee of 25% of the dog's regular groom price. This fee will be applied to your dog's rescheduled grooming appointment. After 3 (three) late-cancellations in a calendar year, this fee may increase to 50% of your dog's regular groom price.

If Client No Call/No Shows on the day of their appointment, the Client may be subject to No Call/No Show fee of 50% of the dog's regular groom price. This fee will be applied to your dog's rescheduled grooming appointment. After 3 (three) No Call/No Shows, this fee may increase to 100% of your dog's regular groom price. This fee will be required to be paid before the Client will be allowed to reschedule. Failure to pay No Call/No Show fee will result in your appointment not being rescheduled. 

Please understand Grooming is my main source of income. When a client No Call/No Shows on the day/time of their appointment, this gives zero time to try to fill the available spot, resulting in a complete loss of income during your dog's appointment slot. 

Paws & Connect LLC understands life gets busy, people get sick, and emergencies happen. In some cases leniency or compassion may be extended. Please communicate with me if you must late-cancel due to experiencing an urgency or emergency. 

Drop Off & Pick Up

I operate as a one-on-one grooming salon, by appointment. I request that you arrive at your appointment time, and pick up soon after you are notified that you dog is finished. This creates a quiet, calm and relaxing environment for dogs on their spa day (rather than a kennel full of dogs barking and anxiously waiting to leave). 

Sometimes if your dog is kennel trained and non-reactive to other dogs in the salon, special arrangements can be made for a later pick up. I prefer not to keep dogs in kennels, and will not keep a dog in a kennel for any amount of time if they bark, scream, vocalize or otherwise show stress or panic while in the kennel. Not only is this upsetting for the dog, but every other dog that may be in the salon may also become more stressed. 

Leash Policy

All dogs must be on a leash. Dogs which are small enough may be carried into and out of the salon. They should be on a leash before they leave your vehicle and upon pick up stay on leash until they are safely back in your vehicle. 

They should also have a well fitting collar that is not too loose so that they are not able to back out of or escape from their collar. Please have control over your dog in case they come into contact with another dog that may be leaving the same time as you are arriving, or are arriving at the same as you are leaving. Your dog may like other dogs, but the other dog you let your dog run up to  may not like other dogs. You should walk your dog on a short leash, by your side. If you have a retractable leash, you should lock it in the shortest possible length for your dog to walk safely and comfortably by your side. 

If you have a dog that does not like other dogs, please let me know so that I can make special arrangements for your dog's and other dogs' safety. 

Aggression, Bites

When a dog exhibits aggressive behavior during the grooming process, you may be subject to additional charges. This is due to the additional care, time, expertise, tools and restraints necessary to try to keep your dog and myself safe during the grooming process. It is also due to the increased risk and liability of injury to myself and risk of potential loss of income if an injury renders me unable to work for a period of time. 

When a dog displays aggressive behavior during normal handling, they may be experiencing pain. Especially in the case of a typically friendly, agreeable dog that exhibits aggression atypically, it is always a good idea to schedule a visit with your veterinarian to look for causes of pain, including arthritis, ear infection, hip or elbow dysplasia, luxating patella, etc. 

If a vet appointment reveals that there is nothing to indicate the aggressive behavior is being caused by pain, talk to your veterinarian about a sedative or anti-anxiety medication. Such medication may help your dog be more relaxed during their groom appointment. Your veterinarian will know best what medication your dog may benefit from, if any. 

Helping dogs overcome their fears and anxieties about the grooming process can be extremely rewarding. I do not have a strict blanket policy banning aggressive dogs. I do reserve the right to discontinue services for aggressive or dangerous behavior at any time. 

As always, I'm committed to helping your dog's spa day be as comfortable as possible. 


It is the goal of Paws & Connect LLC to make your dog's grooming experience as comfortable and stress free as possible.

Hair removal becomes necessary when a coat is tangled (also known as “matted”) beyond the ability to brush through it in a timely manner. Shaving is the least stressful and least painful way to groom a matted dog. Your dog's comfort and well-being is my top priority; cosmetic appearance is secondary. When possible, I work to de-mat/brush any hair that may be saved, but only when it will not cause excessive pain or distress to the dog to do so. Paws & Connect LLC reserves the right to determine whether de-matting will be too painful or stressful of a process for the well-being of the dog. All quoted prices are ONLY an estimate. Additional charges will be calculated after completion of the de-matting process.

It is common to find pre-existing conditions that become apparent after the matted coat is removed. I will bring anything I may notice to the owner’s attention. I cannot diagnose conditions but may advise that the owner seek veterinary care for their dog. Matting can cause: bald spots, sore skin, hot spots, and bacterial or fungal infections. Removal of heavy matting on the ear leather or removal of hair from within the ear canal may cause the dog to excessively shake its head, causing hematomas to form on the ears. All effort will be made to prevent or reduce head shaking while in the care of Paws & Connect LLC.

Matting creates an ideal environment for fleas and ticks. If fleas or ticks are discovered on your dog, a flea/tick bath will be given. *Additional fees apply: $5-25 for Flea & Tick shampoo and time involved.

Working closely to the skin to remove matting increases the risk for stress, trauma, or injury. Precautions will be taken, however, some unavoidable problems may arise such as clipper irritation or minor nicks/cuts, especially to any hidden or unexpected moles, sebaceous cysts, etc that the clippers may come into contact with. Should my dog need any veterinary care after this process, Paws & Connect LLC is not liable for any veterinarian fees.


Accidents occasionally happen in dog grooming.  

Dogs move. They wiggle. They startle. They jump around. They try to bite your shears. They try to lick your shears. They flick and move their ears as you are trying to scissor a neat edge. Dogs may have skin folds, warts, cysts or tumors that further complicate already delicate areas that we must shave. We shave very sensitive areas such as in between toes or private areas. They sometimes come to us very matted, so that we cannot see what it is underneath all the matting. 

Injuries are most often caused by poorly behaved dogs not accustomed to or well-trained to accept the grooming process. Unruly, uncooperative behavior and aggression may pose grooming challenges, as well as decrease safety for both the dog and the groomer. In the event an accident happens in my care, I will wash and clean and apply an antiseptic and assess if I am able to complete the groom, or must notify you immediately of the injury and discontinue the groom. Most small cuts or knicks won't require a vet visit or any other special care. I will always be honest and inform you of such occurrences.

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