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Price Estimates

All prices are estimates based on dogs kept on a regular 6 week schedule in excellent condition. Breed standard haircuts, special request hair cuts, long hair styles, dogs heavily soiled, matted or with impacted coat, dogs infested with fleas or ticks, dogs with skin or ear infections, or dogs with very scared, aggressive, or uncooperative behavior require additional patience, skill and time. Final prices at end of services rendered will be based on the dog's actual size, coat condition, hairstyle requested, dog's behavior and time required.

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Full Service Groom Prices Based on Length Desired (2).jpg
Additional Services
Dremel (Nail Filing)  + $5 

A Regular nail trim removes excess length, but is a single cut that can leave a sharp, jagged edge that they may scratch your skin, furniture, or flooring. With a dremel tool I am able to not only file and smooth the edges of the nail, but I also am able to safely get the toenail considerably shorter without making it bleed. If your dog has very long toenails with a long quick (blood supply), this also helps to cause the quick to recede so that the nail can become shorter over time.

Paw Balm +$5


Scratchy, tough feet pads? Protect and moisturize your dog's paws.  

  • Paw balms can help avoid damage to the skin on your dog’s paw pads and help protect paw pads from harsh or rough surfaces or conditions such as ice, road salt, or rough cement and trails.

  • Moisturizing Benefits. The paw balm can help soothe and repair sore, dry, and cracked pads with its healing and moisturizing properties. 

Splash of Color! + $5 - $25

Pet-safe color temporary color - can be washed out in just 1-2 washes. Add a splash of color to the end of their tail, mowhawk, ear tips, or simple stencil designs. (Can only be applied to white or light-colored hair.)
-Tail Tip         $5 - 15
- Full Tail    $20-35

- Ear Tips       $ 5 - 15
- Ears & Tail   $25+
- Mowhawk   $5 - 10

Now also offering Permanent color $20 - $100
  - Tail Tip     $20 - 40
  - Ears         $20 - 40
  - Full Tail     $30 - 50
  - Full Tail & Ears $75+

  - Mowhawk    $10


Medicated Baths  + $15 - $30

Does your dog have itchy, flakey, irritated or inflamed skin? I have veterinary-grade medicated shampoos such as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or Tar shampoos that can help soothe and alleviate skin conditions. I highly recommend seeking veterinary care - and working in conjunction with the types of medicated shampoos prescribed I can help your dog feel better! 

Re-moisturizing Deep Conditioner
+ $5 - $25

An advanced conditioner with Aloe that helps rejuvenate your pet's coat by penetrating the upper dermal layer in minutes, soothing your dog's skin and leaving his hair soft  and hydrated!


Flea & Tick Bath  + $5 - $25

Flea bath to kill and remove alive fleas on the dog at the time of the appointment. Will not remove fleas, flea eggs, or larvae from the home or yard. Will not prevent re-infestation. I highly recommend treating the home, yard, and your pet with a monthly flea preventative available through your veterinarian. 


Schedule Your Dog's Groom

I schedule via messages or texts. I do not have a receptionist. In order to best serve my clients and keeping the dog's safety as my top priority, I do not answer the phone while I'm grooming.  Please message, text or if you call please leave a voicemail and I will return your message within 1-2 business days. 

When inquiring for an appointment, please tell me your dog's breed, age, weight, and if you can, include a picture! You may also send a picture of your desired haircut or style. 

Message the Paws & Connect LLC Facebook page
to learn more or to schedule your dog's appointment!

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